Clinical Research Poster Hall

Developing and implementing a new model of wound care aimed at reducing chronicity of wounds in the district nursing service

Clinical and Laboratory Assessment for the Quantification of Biofilm and the Efficacy of Biofilm Disruption Using a Wound Gel in Diabetic Foot Ulcers Compared to Standard of Care: a Pilot Study

Clinical Assessment of a New Biofilm Disruption Agent for the Management of Chronic Wounds Compared to Standard of Care: a Novel Approach

Enhanced Wound Documentation - A suite of products to meet the varied requirements across the continuum of care

Sixty percent reduction of ulcer area at 2 weeks can be a useful predictor of eventual diabetic foot ulcer healing by 12 weeks - King's College Hospital NHS Trust

Otago University - Evidence-based wound surveillance improves practice, concordance and patient outcomes - SDHB

The influence of wound measurement precision on the ability to correctly classify wounds as “likely healers” or “likely non-healers” at 4 weeks. - Chris Frampton and Mark Nixon